We are not just a factory. The Abinsk Electric Steel Works is a modern and confident company which goes forward with its activities going beyond the manufacturing process.
People are our greatest asset.
And they are our main value.
We give new life to the metal. By recycling scrap metal and using the most modern manufacturing techniques we make more than a premium-quality product.
We are making a new world. That's our art. We are constantly developing and launching new capacities and workshops.
We solve problems and tasks for our clients while trying to anticipate customer needs.
Responsibility is our attitude. Attitude to what we do, for whom and for what we do it. To create the best means to create unprecedented quality. Quality in every detail and process.
We are not just a manufacturer of the product with good global demand. We understand the importance of what we do: we create products that are used to build the world.
We do it with pride and responsibility. On a world-wide basis. We make this world the way we want it to be.